Diversified pharmaceutical company with divisions
for novel medicines and complex generics

ARBORMED recognizes the seriousness of the global sustainability crisis, including climate change and the loss of natural capital, and strives to contribute to the sustainable future of humankind through technology and innovation.

In order to effectively achieve the company's ESG Management goal of “100 years of ARBORMED Coexisting with Nature and Growing together with the local Community," we set sustainable management principles aiming for responsible actions on the environment, climate change, safety, health, Human Rights and Labor Responsible Actions in all the sectors of business management and operation.

We strive to contribute to the achievement of global goals for sustainability, including the Paris Climate Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are reflected in ARBORMED ESG strategy and 2030 roadmap.



    ARBORMED (hereafter ‘company’) recognizes the seriousness of environmental · social sustainability crises, including climate change and the loss of natural resources, and contributes to a sustainable future for mankind through technology and innovation.

  • GOAL

    In order to effectively achieve the company’s ESG management goal of “100 years of ARBORMED Co-existing with nature and growing together with the local community”, we set sustainable management principles aiming for responsible actions on the environment, climate change, safety, health, Human Rights and Labor Responsible Actions in all the sectors of business management and operation.


    The company establishes a decision-making system and human & physical infrastructure necessary for the practical and effective implementation of the principles of ESG management, and regularly revises and update its supplementary policies.


    The company engages with various stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, the government and local community) to identify issues related to ESG management and build mutual trust.


    The company maintains a continuous cooperative system with its partners and build a business relationship that achieves mutually beneficial development by sharing infrastructure, safety, health management system, and environmental safety technologies.


    The company complies with domestic and international agreements and laws related to the environment, climate change, biodiversity, safety, and health.

    Minimize the environmental & social impact of the entire process from product development, manufacturing, logistics, use, and disposal.

    Monitor and manage major Environmental factors (GHG, energy, water, waste).

    Aim to select environmentally and socially responsible raw materials, parts, and packaging materials to minimize product-related environmental issues.

    Develop eco-friendly and low-carbon products and materials and expand our business domain to green business activities.


    The company supports and respects the internationally proclaimed the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    Respects all the employees as human beings and make active efforts not to be involved in human rights violations.

    Adheres to the Labor Standards Act and acknowledges the practical freedom of association and collective bargaining.

    Respect the diversity of employees and prohibit all forms of discrimination in employment and work.

    Prohibit and prevent sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace.

    Prohibit all forms of forced labor and child labor.


    The company protects the employees from internal risks (HCS, hazardous task, Safety accidents, etc).

    Protect the employees and local community from external risk factors (Natural disasters, fires, infectious diseases, etc).

    Preserve the natural and ecological environment of the local community.


    The company pursues ethical management and business activities based on the ARBORMED Ethics Charter and Code.

    Prohibit all forms of corruption including extortion, bribe, and so forth.


ARBORMED Co., Ltd CEO KyoJin Park & Weonbin Im